School Counselors
Woodward Career Tech High School Welcome Back 2023-2024
Dear Woodward Families,
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! As your Woodward School Counselors, we are here to support each student in navigating challenges, realizing their potential, and celebrating their accomplishments!
School Counselors are dedicated to providing a caring, comprehensive, preventative, and responsive program that fosters each student's social-emotional development, academic success, and college & career readiness. We deliver multiple tiers of counseling support to Woodward students through classroom counseling lessons, small-group counseling to address a specific concern or skill, and individual counseling sessions for students needing short-term, solution-focused interventions.
We appreciate the opportunity to be a part of your child's support system, here at Woodward. We look forward to fostering each student’s growth and overall well-being.
Students are assigned to a counselor, based on grade level. If you have a question or concern about your student or the school counseling program at Woodward, please review the Counseling Resources or FAQ page or contact us via the information listed below.
Best wishes,
Ms. Gay, Ms. Hamilton, Ms. Molly, and Ms. Zircher
Please note that your counselor may have changed this year.
8th & 9th Grade:
Ms. Molly Tannehill, M.A.
School Counselor 8th & 9th Grades
513.363.9300 - Ext. 9408
10th & 12th Grade:
Ms. Brianca Gay, M.A.
CPS Lead School Counselor 10th & 12th Grade
513.363.9300 - Ext. 9374
7th & 11th Grade:
Ms. Julie Hamilton, M.A
School Counselor 7th & 11th Grades
513.363.9300 - Ext. 9314
Graduation Counselor:
Ms. Kelsey Zircher, M.A
Graduation Counselor 9th - 12th Grades
513.363.9300 - Ext. 9397